Addressing Isolation and Mobility for Older People in Ukraine

New research from HelpAge explores the impact of the ongoing war on mobility and social inclusion of older people in Ukraine.

Conducted in the Lviv region in cooperation with Hello Places, the research delves into the physical, social, and psychological barriers to older people’s involvement in community life.

New Report: Disrupted Social and Spatial Community Connections

We spoke to over 150 older people through telephone surveys and focus groups – a mix of long-term residents and older people displaced because of the ongoing war. We also spoke to leaders of organizations working with older people. We asked how older people move around their communities, how that has changed since the full-scale invasion and their displacement into new communities, and what the impact has been on their daily lives and social connectedness. Access the report to read about the findings.

Key Findings

  • The war has led to a significant increase in isolation and loneliness among older people, with 57% of all older people and 71% of displaced older people reporting feelings of loneliness.
  • War-related stress and low mood have diminished older people’s interest in social activities. Many see friends, family, and neighbors less often, and spend less time in public spaces.
  • Older people face numerous physical, social, and psychological barriers that hinder their mobility and social connectedness.
  • Additionally, 42% of older people face physical accessibility barriers when using public transport, and 76% feel discouraged from going out due to poor infrastructure.

Key Recommendations

  • National and local governments should meaningfully engage older people in planning streets, public spaces, and public transport services, as well as policies.
  • Civil society and NGOs should support older people in understanding their diverse experiences and advocating for themselves.
  • Streets, public spaces, and public transport must meet all physical accessibility standards to be walkable and wheelchair accessible.
  • Public spaces should include accessible restrooms to enhance older people’s mobility and confidence.
  • Displaced older people need additional support and guidance to help them build knowledge and awareness of their new communities.

Access the full report to explore how we can rebuild a society that ensures older people in Ukraine lead dignified, connected, and healthy lives amidst ongoing challenges.

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