Healthcare and psychosocial support allow Almaz to be cared for at home.

Older woman with short dark hair smiling as lies in bed with floral pillow under her head.

“There has been a significant change in the health of my mother over these last three years. The weekly health check-up and the medication that she got from Hospice Ethiopia really sustain her. We do not see her depressed any more. She always smiles and is happy to interact with people.”

Meet Almaz

Almaz lives in Yeka, a sub-city of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. She suffered a stroke ten years ago that was caused by severe, untreated hypertension. The stroke left her paralyzed and she has been bed-bound ever since, which made her extremely depressed before HelpAge intervened.

Almaz needs highly specialized care.

While her daughter and only caregiver, Kebebush, wanted to do everything she could for her mother, she didn’t have the specialized training necessary to take care of someone who is paralyzed. She also desperately needed support.

HelpAge provided a visiting nurse, social worker, and training for her daughter.

Through HelpAge and network member Hospice Ethiopia, Kebebush and other family caregivers received dedicated training on the basics of palliative care and how to care for Almaz at home. A nurse and social worker from Hospice Ethiopia also visit Almaz regularly and provide healthcare and psychological support.

Kebebush says: “The workshop that I participated in really helped me to care for my mother in a better way. It also inspires me to help other older women and men who desperately need palliative care like my mother.”

How you can help people like Almaz

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