Meet our team.

Headshot of Mark Gorman. He wears a dark blue coat overtop a flannel button-up and a black turtleneck. The background is naturistic.

Dr. Mark Gorman

Strategic Advisor

Mark, Director of Strategic Development for HelpAge International, is a HelpAge global ambassador and past member of the Board of Directors of HelpAge India and HelpAge USA. He is also a visiting fellow of the Oxford Institute of Population Aging. 

Prior to this, he worked for development agencies with programs in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. He started his career as an education officer for the Northeastern State Government of Nigeria and subsequently worked for Voluntary Service Overseas as a program coordinator in Nigeria. He has published numerous articles on aging in the developing world and received a Member of the British Empire Award from Queen Elizabeth.

Mark holds a master’s degree in history from Cambridge University and a Master of Education in Developing Countries degree from Bristol Universities.

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