Older man in suit and red cap holding cane, walking with support of aid in striped dress.
Fikru with his caregiver, Yehualashet

“When I think about what happened to me, I become so depressed. But I feel really lucky to have your support.”

Meet Fikru

Fikru was a driver until, one day, he suddenly fell over while walking and was unable to move his legs. He’s not sure why this happened, but ever since his legs have hurt and walking is so difficult, he can’t even go to the bathroom by himself. He also has a hand that’s so stiff, he can’t use it to pick up anything. Unable to work, he and his wife rely on the small salary she receives as a security guard. This is his story, in his words.

HelpAge Ethiopia and local partner TESFA provided a caregiver and gave him crutches.

“HelpAge gave me cash assistance of 300 Birr (about $11 USD), which my wife and I used to buy food. But more importantly, they brought me Yehualashet, who comes to visit and helps me. She brings me food and looks after me. She changed everything for me. She helped bring my life back. Thanks to her, I can go outside again! I was bedridden for three years. But now, I can walk again.

I know that Yehualashet and TESFA worked really hard to get this crutch for me for free. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to walk at all. I can’t stand up without it. I’m so grateful for my wife, Yehualashet—for your help—and to everyone who supports me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Along with some mobility, Fikru has regained his dignity.

 “I feel really lucky to have your support. I’m nearing the end of my life. But I want to be healthy—I want to walk and to work!”

How you can help people like Fikru

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