How HelpAge Staff and Their Families Cope as War Takes Hold

The war has affected everyone, including our own staff. Our area manager in Eastern Ukraine, fled her home to seek refuge in Lviv, over 900 miles away. She tells us how she’s coping.

Facing turmoil once again

“It’s very difficult to change our life again. In 2014 we had to move but we were close enough to return home sometimes. Now it’s a very difficult situation and we don’t know how long it will be for.” 

Impact on staff and mental health – toll of the last 7 years

“My staff ask me where they will get enough strength to continue because we have provided an emergency response for seven years, and with COVID restrictions over the last two, it’s been very difficult for us for so long.” 

Continuing to work despite it all

“There is a lot to do here. We’ve set up an office and started negotiations with the local authorities about the needs of older people. But we are looking to help everybody regardless of age right now because the need is so great.”

How she copes

“We live for one day. Maybe something will change tomorrow. Next week may be a new reality, so I must be flexible. It doesn’t feel real. I feel bad but I must be an example to my staff and continue to help older people.”

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