Jordanian Government Praises HelpAge’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, HelpAge International was classified as a first responder by the government of Jordan, recognized as the sole organization focused on older people. 

Older men and women faced exceptionally difficult circumstances during the lockdown in Jordan. They were banned from leaving their homes even for the small periods permitted to obtain groceries and other essentials, due to their age and perceived vulnerability. 

HelpAge Jordan designed a program to support and protect older people based on the HRP strategic priority: Protect, Assist, and Advocate. This project was supported by the Basic Needs Cluster and the Ministry of Planning and Jordanian Emergency Response. 

HelpAge partnered with local organizations and communities to strengthen prevention and protection response for the most at-risk older people. They worked with local communities to ensure that food and medicines were delivered to those most in need. They provided weekly remote outreach to 2,200 older people and delivered hygiene kits for preventative purposes to 2,600 older men and women. 400 of the most at-risk also received cash assistance.

A Jordanian woman in a full black hijab smiles at the camera
Hadeh Al Kafalat © HelpAge International

During the quarantine, you were the reason we felt safe. We, the older people, are the most vulnerable group of people. So, I was waiting for your advice and my heart was reassured. You had a clear impact on us because you were the first institution that gives us as older people this kind of special care.

Hadeh Al Kafalat, 65

A Jordanian man in a keffiyeh looks towards the camera
Salem Thyab Al Salaimeh © HelpAge International

I am 73 years old, my mother is 110 years old and my siblings are also all above the age of 60. During all those years that have passed, this was the first time any specialized organization knocked on our door to ask about my mother and about us all, in addition to reassuring us. Your visit affected us a lot and made us very happy. Thank you for all your efforts and support. 
Salem Thyab Al Salaimeh, 73

On August 12, 2020, the Prime Minister of Jordan sent an official letter recognizing the contribution of HelpAge International stating: 

“It is my pleasure to thank you very much for your support and contribution to the efforts of the Jordanian Government during COVID-19. Your efforts truly reflect your humanitarian and development mission, and I, myself, highly appreciate this contribution and wish for you to continue and proceed in your very important work.” 

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