
Voices of older Ukrainians.

HelpAge is supporting older people, people with disabilities, and their families impacted by the war in Ukraine. Here are some of their stories.

Anatoly is alone is Lviv.
Lyubov fled with only the clothes on her back.
Everything Raisa and her husband owned is now gone.
Anna doesn't understand why there can't be peace.
Viktoria's father named her for victory over the Nazis.
Lyudmila hopes to see her husband again.
Refugees on The Moldova-Ukraine Border
"I Want to Go Back"
Ekaterina arrived in Moldova with thousands of other refugees.
Vital support is helping Olga survive.
Moral support is making all the difference for Lydia in Ukraine.
In Ekaterina's village, older people are forced to stay behind.

Taking refuge in Moldova

Valentina, 72, is originally from Kherson, Ukraine. She has fled the crisis in Ukraine and has taken refuge in Chisinau, Moldova. It took her and her family members more than 12 hours to get there. By the time she had arrived in Chisinau, Valentina, who is diabetic, had run out of insulin. She hopes to return to Ukraine at some point but understands that she will be displaced for the time being. 

HelpAge USA is raising money for our Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal to support our work for older people affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

How you can help older people in Ukraine

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