Support older people impacted by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

In the early hours of Feb. 6, 2023, an earthquake of 7.8 magnitude struck Turkey and Syria, followed by another 7.5 magnitude earthquake a few hours later. 

Today, older people in both countries are still struggling to access adequate shelter, services, and safety. Older people are the most likely to face risks to their lives and well-being due to the lack of accessible services, and they cannot be forgotten.

Our Response

HelpAge is working on the ground with our partners in both Turkey and Syria to provide access to mental health and psychosocial support, health and nutrition programs, essential items, and more. Your immediate support can help provide older people with:

  • Essential items such as ready-to-eat meals and non-food items
  • Emergency cash assistance for the most vulnerable families
  • Winter items (heating, blankets, etc.), as they have lost their homes and are facing harsh winter conditions
  • Psychological support, especially for older women and children

How you can help

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