Meet Our Team

We all have one thing in common — a passion to help older people achieve healthy, secure, and hopeful lives. While our profiles tell you a bit about us, we hope you’ll get involved with HelpAge USA and, one of these days, meet us in person. We look forward to it!


Headshot of Cindy Cox-Roman

Cindy Cox-Roman
President and CEO

Jane Buchanan
Director of Global Impact

Alex Garvey
Communications Manager

Jeffrey Prost-Greene
Program Manager

Board of Directors

Kyle Salazar in a dark grey blazer and white-button up smiles for a headshot.

Kyle Salazar

Headshot of Aparna Sanjay standing in front of a brick wall. She is wearing a red checkered blazer, an orange beaded necklace, and a blue blouse.

Aparna Sanjay

Headshot of Daniel Cotlear. He wears a blue patterned button-up and glasses.

Daniel Cotlear

Smiling woman with chin-length dark blonde hair in black dress with a multi-colored floral patterns.

Meredith Light

Jennie Chin Hansen

Bonnie Green

Chris Moore stands in front of a dark grey background. He wears a long-sleeve blue top with a white checkered button-up underneath.

Chris Moore

Valentia Royal

Robin Talbert


Susan Riker
Strategic Advisor

Mark Gorman
Strategic Advisor

Headshot of Emi Kiyota

Dr. Emi Kiyota
Strategic Advisor

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